Mr. Chitturi Anil
M. E.: Chemical Engineering, BITS-Pilani, Pilani
B. Tech.: Chemical Engineering, GVP College of Engineering, Visakhapatnam
Teaching Experience: 3 years
Research Interests: Process Modelling, Simulation, Optimization & Control
Phone Number: 0863-2288254 ext.251 (O)
mobile: +91-9848119352
1) Kundu .M, Chitturi. A, and Bandyopadhyay. S. S. (2006), “Prediction of Equilibrium solubility of Co2 in Aqueous alkanolamines using Differential Evolution Algorithm”, The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 86(1), 117-126.
2) Ch. Anil, and Padma Sree .R, “Design of PID controllers for FOPTD systems with an integrator and with/without a Zero”, Indian Chemical Engineer, Vol. 47 (No. 4), pp. 235-242, October-December (2005).
1) Design of PID Controllers for Integrating Systems using Equating Coefficient Method, paper presented and published in proceedings of the DRDO sponsored eighth Control Instrumentation System Conference, CISCON - 2011 (An International Conference) organized by Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal, India in November - 2011 (pp. 459-464).
2) Application of Differential Evolution Algorithm in VLE of Co2 Over Aqueous 2-amino-2–methyl-1-propanol, paper presented in Indian Chemical Engineering Congress (CHEMCON), Ankleshwar, India in December – 2006.
3) Modelling Vapour-liquid Equilibria Of Co2 Over Aqueous PZ Solution, paper presented in Indian Chemical Engineering Congress (CHEMCON), Ankleshwar, India in December – 2006.
4) Prediction of Equilibrium solubility of Co2 in Aqueous alkanolamines using Differential Evolution Algorithm, paper presented in Chemeca’ 06, Auckland, New Zealand in September - 2006.
Workshops / Seminars Attended
1) A Two Day Workshop on "Induction Training Programme for Young Faculty", organized by ISTE-Chapter, RVR & JCCE, Guntur during 5-6 September, 2011.
2) A Two Day National Seminar on "Modelling and Simulation for rapid progress in Chemical Engineering", organized by Department of Chemical Engineering, RVR & JCCE, Guntur during 15-16 July, 2011.
3) A Three day workshop on”Optimization using MATLAB”, organized by G. V. P. College of Engineering (Autonomous), Visakhapatnam during 7-9 March, 2011.
4) SERC School on “Pattern formation in material and biomedical science” organized by IIT Madras, Chennai during 24-28 January, 2011.
5) A Two day Workshop on “Faculty Development Programme on Soft Skills”, organized by RVR&JCCE, Guntur during 16-17 March, 2009.
6) A Two day Workshop on “Induction Training Programme for Young Faculty”, organized by ISTE-Chapter, RVR&JCCE, Guntur during 25-26 July, 2008.
7) A Two day National Workshop on “Computational Methods in Engineering”, organized by GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam during 7 – 8th October, 2006.
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