Lectures: 4 Periods/Week Sessional Marks: 30
University Exam: 3 Hours University Examination Marks: 70

Time value of money, interest discrete and continuous, Depreciation and depletion. Cost concepts, capital costs for process plants, estimation of production cost, cost indices, cost accounting and process costing -profit and loss account and balance sheet Profitability analysis, comparison of alternative investments and replacements: Accounting for inflation and technological advancement, Break even analysis.

Production system: Operation Manager's activities, types of operations, classification of production system, manufacturing and service units, mass production and batch production systems. Work study, motion study and work measurement. Production Planning and control, forecasting, controlling and intermediate production system, functions under PPC.

Management: Principles and functions of management
Forms of Business Organizations: Sole trader, partnership, company form of business organization.
Organization: Organization chart, principles of organization, types of organization, line and staff functions.

Inventory control: Reasons for inventory control, analytical treatment and Inventory control techniques
Operations Research:
Problem formulation, linear programming, simplex and graphical solutions. Introduction to Marketing Management.

Text Books

  1. Process Engineering Economics, Scheweyer. H.E., McGraw Hill
  2. Works Organization and Management, K.C. Sahu, N.K.Dutta, Oxford publications.

Reference Books
  1. Modern production Management, Buffa, Wiley Eastern Edition.
  2. Essentials of Management, Koontz and O'Donnel, McGraw Hill.