Lectures / Tutorials: 2+4 Periods/week | Sessional Marks: 30 |
University Exam: 3 Hours | University Examination Marks: 70 |
General: Use of Drawing instruments, Lettering-Single stroke letters, Dimensioning-Representation of various type lines. Geometrical Constructions. Representative fraction.
Curves: Curves used in Engineering practice, conic sections, general construction methods for ellipse, parabola and hyperbola. Cycloidal curves-cycloid, epicycloid and hypocycloid, involute of circle and Archemedian spiral.
Method of Projections: Principles of projection, First angle and third angle projection of points. Projection of straight lines. Traces of lines.
Projections of Planes: Projections of planes, projections on auxiliary planes.
Projections of Solids: Projections of Cubes, Prisms, Pyramids, Cylinders and Cones with varying positions.
Sections of Solids: Sections of Cubes, Prisms, Pyramids, cylinders and Cones.
True shapes of sections. (Limited to the Section Planes perpendicular to one of the Principal Planes).
Development of Surfaces: Lateral development of cut sections of Cubes, Prisms, Pyramids, Cylinders and Cones.
Isometric Projections: Isometric Projection and conversion of Orthographic Projections into isometric views. (Treatment is limited to simple objects only).
Orthographic Projections: Conversion of pictorial views into Orthographic views. (Treatment is limited to simple castings).
UNIT-VI(Demonstration only)
Computer aided drafting (Using any standard package):
Setting up a drawing: starting, main menu (New, Open, Save, Save As etc.), Opening screen, error correction on screen, units, co-ordinate system, limits, grid, snap, ortho.
Tool bars: Draw tool bar, object snap tool bar, modify tool bar, dimension tool Bar
Practice of 2d drawings: Exercises of Orthographic views for simple solids using all commands in various tool bars.
Text Books