Dr. Rohinikumar Palavalasa
M.Tech, Ph.D., MIChE, MISTE
Associate Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering
RVR & JC College of Engineering(Autonomous)
Chowdavaram,Guntur-522 019
Andhra Pradesh, India
Phone: +91-9666689235 Ext.251 (O)
e-mail: kumar.rohini@yahoo.co.in
Educational Qualifications:
- Ph.D in Chemical Engineering from University College of Engineering, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, A.P., 2017.
- M.Tech in Chemical Engineering from University College of Engineering, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, A.P., during 2005-2007.
- B.Tech in Chemical Engineering from M.V.G.R. College of Engineering (JNTUH), Vizianagaram, A.P. during 2001-2005.
Date of Birth: 28-01-1982
Date of Joining: 26-12-2006
Teaching Experience : 12 Years.
Teaching Experience:
- Presently working as Assocaite Professor at Department of Chemical Engineering RVR & JC College of Engineering(A), Guntur, from August 2018.
- Worked as Assistant Professor at Department of Chemical Engineering RVR & JC College of Engineering(A), Guntur, during July 2012 - July 2018.
- Worked as Lecturer at Department of Chemical Engineering RVR & JC College of Engineering(A), Guntur, during Dec 2006 - June 2012.
Publons Citations (Web of Science): Click here
Google Scholar Citations: Click here
Research Gate Citations: Click here
Membership of Scientific and Professional Bodies:
- Life Member, Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers.(LM 39151)
- Life member, Indian Society for Technical Education.(LM 91647)
Research Project Sanctioned:
- A project entitled 'Studies on the Removal of Trace Organics, Chlorides and Fluorides from Ground Water in Coastal Regions of Andhra Pradesh using Continuous Fixed Bed Adsorption Colum', P. Rohinikumar, as principal investigator is considered for financial support of Rs. 2.05 lakhs under UGC Minor research project scheme 2016.
- Patent "SMART-DRE-M: BIOPOLYMER COMPOSITE BASED NANO-FIBROUS WOUND DRESSING MATERIA", patent No. 50/2020, published on 11/12/2020 in official journal of patents office, Intellectual Property Rights, India.
Guest Lecture Delivered:
- Dr.P.Rohinikumar, Assistant Professor, delivered a Lecture on 'Augmentation of the Mass Transfer Rates In Three Phase Fluidized Beds In The Presence of Turbulent Promoters', in AICTE sponsored Two week FDP programme on "Innovations in Renewable Energy Harvesting and Environment Friendly Process Technologies for Sustainable Development", organized by Department of Chemical Engineering, R.V.R.&J.C. College of Engineering(A), Guntur, on 02-11-2017.
Papers Published
International Journals:
- P.Rohinikumar 'Removal Of Halides From Ground Waters Of Coastal Andhra Pradesh By Batch Adsorption' International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Vol.8 (16), 43-45, 2020.
- P. Rohini Kumar, B. Gowthami, B. Sireesha, K. Gouru Naidu, K.V. Ramesh, Studies on sea water contamination at Visakhapatnam sea coast in India due to Ganesh idol dissolution, Environmental Toxicology Studies Journal, Vol.2 (1:3), pp.1-4, 2018.
- P.Rohinikumar, M.G. Muni Reddy, P. Venkateswarlu and K.V. Ramesh, presented a paper on "Gas Holdup In A Bubble Column In The Presence of Coaxially Placed String of Spheres Promoter As Internal", AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1859, Issue 1, 020076 (2017); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4990229.ISSN: 0094-243X, 1551-7616.
- P. Rohini Kumar, K. Ashok Kumar, M.S.N. Murthy and Dr. K.V. Ramesh, " Wall - to -bed mass transfer in three phase fluidized beds in the presence of angle disc promoter", Springer, Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 53, Issue 10, pp.3129-3140, 2017. DOI 10.1007/s00231-017-2056-x. IF: 1.233, ISSN: 0947-7411 (Print) 1432-1181.
- Bhadri Srinivas, P. Rohini Kumar, B. Sreenivasulu and K.V.Ramesh, "An Efficient Method to Design a Series Cascade Controller using Multi-Objective Optimization", IEEE Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA 2017), pp. 218-224, ISSN (online) 978-1-5090-5686-6/17/ 2017 IEEE.
- P. Rohini Kumar, Dr. P.Venkateswarlu and Dr. K.V.Ramesh, presented a paper on 'Wall-to-bed mass transfer in a three-phase fluidized bed with coaxially placed string of spheres internal', and the same has been published in the Elsevier Materials Today: Proceedings , pp. 470-476, Vol.5, 2018.
- P. Rohini Kumar, Dr. P.Venkateswarlu and Dr. K.V.Ramesh, presented a paper on 'Phase holdups in a three-phase fluidized bed in the presence of coaxially placed string of spheres internal' IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 225 (2017), pp.1-9, 012210 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/225/1/012210. IF 0.32
- P. Rohini Kumar, Dr. P. Venkateswarlu, and Dr. K.V. Ramesh, "Wall-to-Bulk Mass Transfer in CocurrentUpflow Bubble Column with Coaxially Placed String of Spheres", Columbia International Publishing, American Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, pp.225-237, Vol.3, Issue 4, 2016. doi:10.7726/ajhmt.2016.1013.
- D. Sameer Kumar, Dr. K. N. S. Suman and P. Rohini Kumar, "A Study on Electroless Deposition of Nickel on Nano Alumina Powder Under Different Sensitization Conditions", International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, pp. 59-68, Vol. 97, 2016, doi.org/10.14257/ijast.2016.97.06.
- D.Kamalakar, P. Rohinikumar and L. Nageswara Rao, " Comparative Studies of Micro Wave Oven and Tray Drying on Beetroot", International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology (IJIRST), pp. 343-347, Vol.2, Issue 10, 2016. ISSN (online): 2349-6010.
- D. Kamalakar, Dr.C.V.Subrahmanyam, P.Rohinikumar and Dr.L.Nageswara Rao, "Kinetic and Thermodynamic Studies of Adsorption of Pb (II) by Using Ferrous Sulphide as an Adsorbent",International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Processing, pp. 34-41, Vol. 2, Issue 2, ISSN 2455-5576, 2016.
- Dr. L.Nageswara Rao, P.Rohinikumarand Dr. M.Venkateswara Rao, "Removal of Reactive Yellow 145 Dyes from Aqueous Solution using Adsorption Technique", World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, pp. 387-401, Vol. 4, Issue 3, 2015. ISSN 2277-7105.
- P. Rohini Kumar,Dr. L.Nageswara Rao,Mr.D.Kamalakar and Dr. M.Venkateswara Rao "Design and Experimental Analysis of Solar Powered Distillation Unit for Purification of Sea Water", International Journal of Green and Herbal Chemistry, pp. 228-236, Vol.4, Issue 2, May 2015, E-ISSN No: 2278-3229.
- D Kamalakar, P. Rohini Kumar, Dr. L. Nageswara Rao and Dr. M. Venkateswara Rao, "Drying Characteristics of Red Chillies: Mathematical Modeling and Drying Experiments", International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology (IJESRT), Vol.3, Issue 7, pp. 425-437, July 2014. ISSN: 2277-9655.
- D.Kamalakar, L.Nageswara Rao,P.Rohini Kumar, Dr.M.Venkateswara Rao, "Development Of Zinc Sulphate Controlled Release Fertilizer Sand As Inert Matrix With Naphthalene Coating", Caledonian Journal of Engineering, Oman, pp. 12-26, Vol. 6, Issue 1 , January-June 2010.
National Journals:
- P.Rohini umar,Dr. M. Venkateswara Rao, N. ChittiBabu, Dr. P. V. Ravi Kumar and Dr. P. Venkateswarlu, "Utilization of Erythrina variegate orientalis leaf powder for the removal of cadmium", Indian Journal of Chemical Technology, pp. 308-316, Vol.16, July 2009.
- P.Rohini umar,Dr. M.Venkateswara Rao, P.V.Ravi Kumar and P.Venkateswarlu, "Determination of equilibrium, kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of the batch biosortion of cadmium by erythrina variegate orientalis leaf powder", Proceedings of the National Seminar Mineral Bio-Technology MB-2007, Published by Regional Research Laboratories, RRL, Bhubaneswar, pp. 156-174, January2007.ISBN 987-81-7525-814-3.
Papers Presented in Conferences/Seminars/Symposiums:
- P.Rohinikumar, 'Removal of fluorides from ground waters of coastal Andhra Pradesh in a fixed bed column by using alumina loaded nanoporous Mn-Ce oxide powder adsorbent', International Conference on Manufacturing, Material Science and Engineering (ICMMSE 2020), CMR Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, December 18 th -19 th , 2020.
- P.Rohinikumar, 'Removal of halides from ground waters of coastal Andhra Pradesh by batch adsorption', AICTE Sponsored Conference on Systems Modelling and System Dynamics, Bapatla Engineering College, Bapatla, 24 th- 28 th August 2020.
- P. Rohinikumar, 'Removal of Fluorides From Ground Waters of Coastal Andhra Pradesh In batch process by Using Aluminium Sulfate as an adsorbent', National Conference on Recent Advances in Chemical Engineering (RIPPLES 2K20), organized by the Department of Chemical Engineering, University College of Engineering, Andhra University(A), Visakhapatnam, Jan. 1-22, 2020
- P. Rohinikumar, M.G. Muni Reddy, P. Venkateswarlu and K.V. Ramesh, presented a paper on 'Gas Holdup In A Bubble Column In The Presence of Coaxially Placed String of Spheres Promoter As Internal' and the same has been published in the proceedings of the International Conference on Functional Materials, Characterization , Solid state physics, Power, Thermal & Combustion Energy (FCSPTC - 2017) and Elsevier Materials Today: Proceedings, organized by Ramachandra College of Engineering,Eluru, Andhra Pradesh, pp.341-347, Issue II, during 07-08, April 2017.
- P. Rohini Kumar, Dr. P.Venkateswarlu and Dr. K.V.Ramesh, presented a paper on 'Phase holdups in a three-phase fluidized bed in the presence of coaxially placed string of spheres internal' and the same has been published in the proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Material Technologies ICAMT-2016 and Elsevier Materials Today: Proceedings,organized by Dadi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Visakhapatnam, pp.341-347, Issue II, during 27-28, December 2016.
- P. Rohini Kumar, Dr. P.Venkateswarlu and Dr. K.V.Ramesh, presented a paper on 'Wall-to-bed mass transfer in a three-phase fluidized bed with coaxially placed string of spheres internal' and the same has been published in the proceedings of the International Conference on Processing of Materials, Minerals and Energy (PMME-2016), and Elsevier Materials Today: Proceedings, organized by PACE Institute of Technology and science, Ongole, pp.232-238, Issue IV, during 29-30 , July 2016.
- P.Rohini Kumar, presented a paper on 'Design and experimental analysis of solar powered distillation unit for purification of sea water' in the Two day National Seminar on Computational Fluid Dynamics Applications in Process Industries: Recent Developments 2k16 (CFDAPIRD2K16), sponsored by DST, New Delhi, organized by the Department of Chemical Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam , during 14 - 16, April 2016.
- P. Rohini Kumar, presented a paper on 'Determination of kinetic and thermodynamics parameters of the batch adsorption of Lead (II) by using ferrous sulphide' in the Two day National Seminar on Climate Efficient Process Industries (CEPI-16), sponsored by DST, New Delhi, organized by the Department of Chemical Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam , during 04 - 05, March 2016.
- P. Rohini Kumar, presented a paper on 'Experimental study on Biosorption of Cadmium by Erythrina variegate orientalies leaf powder,, in an International Conference on Environmental Biotechnology and Biodiversity - A Gateway to Sustainable Future (EBIO-2013),organized by Department Chemical Engineering, A.U College of Engineering (A) , Andhra University, Vishakhapatnam, during 03-04, March 2014.
- P. Rohini Kumar, presented a paper on 'Drying Characteristics of Red Chilies: Mathematical Modeling and Drying Experiments', in an International Conference on Green and Clean Technologies in Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGCT-2014), organized by Department of Chemical Engineering & Biotechnology, Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumukur, Karnataka, during 14-15, February 2014.
- P. RohiniKumarandP.Venkateswarlu, presented a paper on "Determination of equilibrium, kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of the batch biosortion of cadmium by erythrina variegate orientalis leaf powder", and same as published in Proceedings of the National Seminar Mineral Bio-Technology MB-2007, organized by Regional Research Laboratories, RRL, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, during 30-31, January 2007.
Refresher courses attended:
- 3 day FDP "Outcome Based Education System - A Road map to Teaching, Learning, Evaluation and Accreditation" Department of Mechanical Engineering, Lendi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jonnada, Vizianagaram, May 21-23, 2020.
- "Advanced Material Characterization Techniques - A Research Perspective", Department of Mechanical Engineering, Lendi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jonnada , Vizianagaram, May 28-30, 2020.
- AICTE sponsored one week STTP on "Advances in Process Design by using Simulators (APDS)", organized by the Department of Chemical Engineering, RVRJCCE Guntur, during 28 Oct.- 02 Nov.2019.
- One day NPTEL (Swayam) workshop, organized by IITM, Madras, at RVR &JCCE (A), on 7th Dec, 2018.
- Short Term Training Programme through ICT Mode, on Outcome Based Education and Accreditation, organized by NITTR, Kolkata, during 24-28, Sept 2018.
- "Fuel Cell Technology - Opportunities and Challenges", organized by Department of Chemical Engineering, M.V.G.R. College of Engineering (A), Vizianagaram, A.P., on 29th Sept, 2018
Seminars/Workshops/Conferences/Short Term Courses/Symposia Attended:
- One-day webinar, "Role of Technocrats in Safeguarding Biodiversity" Department of Chemical Engineering of ANITS, Visakhapatnam , June 5th , 2020.
- attended an International Conference on Functional Materials, Characterization , Solid state physics, Power, Thermal & Combustion Energy (FCSPTC - 2017), organized by Ramachandra College of Engineering, Eluru, A.P, during 07-08, April 2017.
- attended an International Conference on 'Advanced Material Technologies ICAMT-2016', organized by the Dadi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Visakhapatnam, A.P., during27-28, December 2016.
- attended a National Workshop on 'Fluid flow & Heat transfer in Micro channels and Nano channels', organized by the Department of Chemical Engineering, G.V.P. College of Engineering(A), Visakhapatnam, in association with Department of Science and Technology, Science & Engineering Research Board (SERB), Govt. of India, during10-12, August 2016.
- attended an International Conference on 'Processing of Materials, Minerals and Energy (PMME-2016)', organized by the PACE Institute of Technology and Science, Ongole, A.P., during 29-30, July 2016.
- attended a AICTE approved Four week FDP on 'Use of ICT in Education for Online and Blended Learning', organized by the Indian Institute of Technology (IITB), Bombay, during 2nd May - 10th, July 2016.
- attended a Two day National Seminar on 'Computational Fluid Dynamics Applications in Process Industries: Recent Developments 2k16 (CFDAPIRD2K16)', sponsored by DST, New Delhi, organized by the Department of Chemical Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam , A.P., during 14 - 16, April 2016.
- attended a Two day National Seminar on 'Climate Efficient Process Industries (CEPI-16)', sponsored by DST, New Delhi, organized by the Department of Chemical Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam, during 04 - 05, March 2016.
- attended a 1st South India Student Convention of Chemical Engineering on the 'Assessment of the State of the Art in Chemical Engineering Science', organized by SatishDhawan Space Center, SHAR ISRO, Sriharikota, A.P., on 22nd February, 2016.
- attended a National Conference on 'Planning of Smart City - Waste Management - Pollution Control', organized by departments of Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Chemistry of ANITS, Visakhapatnam, A.P., during 5-6, June 2015.
- attended a TEQIP Phase-II Center of Excellence (CoE), one Week Short-Term Course on 'Fuel Cell Technology(FCT-2015)',organized by department of Chemical Engineering, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, during 06-10, April 2015.
- attended a International Conference on 'Environmental Biotechnology and Biodiversity - A Gateway to Sustainable Future (EBIO-2013)', organized by Department Chemical Engineering, University College of Engineering (A), Andhra University, Vishakhapatnam, during 03-04, March 2014.
- attended an International Conference on 'Green and Clean Technologies in Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGCT-2014)', organized by Department of Chemical Engineering & Biotechnology, Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumukur, Karnataka, during 14-15, February 2014.
- attended a UGC Sponsored National Seminar on 'Solar Energy Harvesting Through Photovoltaic Cells and Storage (SEHTPVAS-13)', organized by Department of Physics &Chemical Engineering, R.V.R.& J.C College of Engineering, Guntur , A.P., during 20-21,June 2013.
- attended a AICTE Sponsored Faculty Development Programme on 'Computer Aided Process Engineering & Computational Fluid Dynamics', organized by Jagannath Institute for Technology and Management, Parlakhemundi, Odisha, during 06-18, May 2013.
- attended a APPCB Sponsored National workshop on 'Green Technology for Clean Environment', organized by Department of Chemical Engineering, R.V.R.& J.C College of Engineering, Guntur, A.P., during 20-21, December 2012.
- attendeda Two Day National Level Seminar on 'Modeling And Simulation for Rapid Progress in Chemical Engineering', organized by Department of Chemical Engineering, R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering,Guntur, A.P., during 15 - 16,July 2011.
- attendeda Two Day National Level workshop on 'Aspen Plus and Modeling', organized by Department of Chemical Engineering, R.V.R.& J.C College of Engineering, Guntur, A.P., during 05-07, November, 2007.
- attendeda Two Day National Level Seminar on 'Pollution Control Techniques Adopted Industrially', organized by Department of Chemical Engineering, University College of Engineering, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, A.P., on 31st December, 2005.
Programs Organized:
- One-Day Seminar, SRUJANA 2K20 on "Green Energy for Sustainable Development" on 13th March, 2020.
- Two - day National level Chemical Engineering Students meet, ChECK-2020 (Chemical Engineering Contest for Knockout-2020), during 26th and 27th February, 2020
- A one week AICTE Sponsored Short Term Training Programme on " Advances ion Process Design by using Simulators", during 28th October – 2nd November, 2019
- One - day National level Chemical Engineering Students meet, ChECK-2019 (Chemical Engineering Contest for Knockout-2019), on 5th January, 2019, Department of Chemical Engineering, R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering(A), Guntur.
- One day National level Chemical Engineering Students meet, ChECK-2018 (Chemical Engineering Contest for Knockout-2018), on 5th January, 2018, Department of Chemical Engineering, R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering(A), Guntur.
- Two Weeks AICTE Sponsored Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on "Innovations in Renewable Energy Harvesting and Environment Friendly Process Technologies for Sustainable Development" during 23rd November, 2017 - 04th December, 2017.
- A two day National level Chemical Engineering Students meet, ChECK-2017 (Chemical Engineering Contest for Knockout-2017), during 17th - 18th February, 2017, Department of Chemical Engineering, R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering(A), Guntur.
- One day National level Chemical Engineering Students meet, ChECK-2016 (Chemical Engineering Contest for Knockout-2016), on 11th February, 2016, Department of Chemical Engineering, R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering(A), Guntur.
- One day National Workshop on Advances in Chemical Engineering for Sustainable Development (ACESD) on 07 February, 2015, Department of Chemical Engineering, R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering(A), Guntur.
- One day national seminar on "Renewable Energy Resources & Technological Advances", 25 February, 2014, R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Guntur.
- A two day National level Chemical Engineering Students meet, ChECK-2014 (Chemical Engineering Contest for Knockout-2014), 29-30 November, 2011, Department of Chemical Engineering, R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Guntur.
- Two Day National Workshop on "Nanotechnology - A Fuel for Chemical Industry (NTFC-2013)" sponsored by AICTE, New Delhi organized by Department of Chemical Engineering during 20-21 September, 2013.
- Two day National Seminar on "Solar Energy Harvesting Through Photovoltaic cells and Storage (SEHTPVAS-13)" sponsored by UGC, organized by Department of Chemical Engineering and Physics, during June 21-22, 2013.
- A two day workshop on "Green Technology for Clean Environment", organized by the Department of Chemical Engineering in association with APPCB, during 20-21 December, 2012.
- A two day National level Chemical Engineering Students meet, ChECK-2011 (Chemical Engineering Contest for Knockout-2011), 29-30 November, 2011, Department of Chemical Engineering, R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Guntur.
- The 6th annual session of Student Chemical Engineering Congress " SCHEMCON 2010" on the theme "Process Industries and Sustainable Development" was organized by IIChE-RVR&JCCE Student chapter in association with IIChEWaltair Regional Centre, Department of Chemical Engineering, R.V.R & J.C. College of Engineering, Guntur during 24th-25th September 2010.
- A two day workshop on "Waste Management in Chemical and Allied Industries", organized by the Department of Chemical Engineering in association with APPCB, during 13 - 14 March, 2010.
- A two day National level Chemical Engineering Students meet, ChECK-2009 (Chemical Engineering Contest for Knockout-2009), 20-21 February, 2009, Department of Chemical Engineering, R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Guntur.
- Two day National Seminar on "Solid waste management in Chemical and allied Industries" 18-19 August, 2006, Department of Chemical Engineering, R.V.R.& J.C. College of Engineering, Guntur.
- Three day workshop on "Aspen Plus and Modeling" a National level Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology faculty development programme during 05-07 November, 2007, Department of Chemical Engineering, R.V.R.& J.C. College of Engineering, Guntur.
- A two day National level Chemical Engineering Students meet, ChECK-2007(Chemical Engineering Contest for Knockout-2007), 23-24 February, 2007, Department of Chemical Engineering, R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Guntur.
Co-Circular Activities:
- Active participant in N.S.S camp. Sponsored by the government of India and the government of Andhra Pradesh.