Dr. Ramesh Chandra Kolasani
                                                                    M.Tech, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering
RVR & JC College of Engineering(Autonomous)
Chowdavaram,Guntur-522 019
Andhra Pradesh, India
Phone: +91-9491073317 Ext.251 (O)
e-mail: kolasani_ramesh@yahoo.co.in

Educational Qualifications:

  1. Ph.D in Chemical Engineering from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, May - 2017.
  2. M.Tech in Chemical Engineering from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam during 2001-2003.
  3. B.Tech in Chemical Engineering from JNTU Hyderabad during 1996-2000.

Date of Birth:03-08-1978
Date of Joining:15-07-2004
   R&D and Teaching Experience : 15 Years.
Teaching Experience:
  1. Presently working as Associate Professor at Department of Chemical Engineering RVR & JC College of Engineering, Guntur, since March 2018.
  2. worked as Assistant Professor at Department of Chemical Engineering RVR & JC College of Engineering, Guntur, during July 2004 to February 2018.
  3. Worked as Teaching Assistant at S.V.University College of Engineering, Tirupathi, A.P. during 2003 and 2004.

Scopus Citations: Click here

Publons Citations (Web of Science): Click here

Google Scholar Citations: Click here

Research Gate Citations: Click here

Vidwan: Click here

Membership of Scientific and Professional Bodies:
  1. Honorary treasurer, IIChE Guntur Regional Center, Guntur, since September 2018.
  2. Life Member, Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers.(LM 32022)
  3. Life member, Indian Society for Technical Education.(LM 68509)
  4. Member, Board of studies in Chemical Engineering, R.V. R &J.C.College of Engineering (Autonomous), Guntur-522 019, A.P.
  1. 1. Dr. K. Ramesh Chandra, Assistant Professor, was promoted as Associate Professor, in March, 2018.
  2. Elected as Treasurer for Executive Body in IIChE - Guntur Regional Centre for the year 2018-2019.
  1. Two day National Workshop on "Nanotechnology - A Fuel for Chemical Industry" sponsored by AICTE, organized by Department of Chemical Engineering, R. V. R. & J. C. College of Engineering(A), Guntur during 20-21 September, 2013.
Papers Published
    International Journals:
  1. Patent "SMART-DRE-M: BIOPOLYMER COMPOSITE BASED NANO-FIBROUS WOUND DRESSING MATERIAL", patent No. 50/2020, published on 11/12/2020 in official journal of patents office, Intellectual Property Rights, India
  2. 'Mass transfer augmentation due to the presence of rotating two stage two blade flat turbine promoters in an electrolytic cell', International Journal of Materials Today: Proceedings (Elsevier), pp. 16181-16189, Vol.5, 2018.
  3. 'Recovery of silver from X-Ray waste from electro deposition', International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management and Applied Science (IJLTEMAS), pp.80-87, Vol.7, Issue 7, July 2018. ISSN- 2278-2540.
  4. A research paper on 'Mass Transfer Augmentation due to the Presence of Rotating Two Stage, Two Blade Flat Turbine Promoters in an Electrolytic Cell' in Materials Today Proceedings (Elsevier) 5 (2018),16181-16189.
  5. A research paper on 'Recovery of Silver from X Ray Waste from Electro Deposition' in International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science, VII,82-87(2018).
  6. A research paper on 'Optimization of Reaction Parameters for Production of Hydrogenated Soya Bean Oil with Least Trans Isomer Content' written by Dr. D.N.V.Stayanarayana, Asso. Prof. and Mr. K. Ramesh Chandra, Asst. Prof. in International Journal of Education and Science Research Review, Vol.3, Issue 1, pp. 112-116, 2016.
  7. Sri D.N.V.Satyanarayana and Sri K.Ramesh Chandra, Assistant Professors, " Municipal Solid Waste Management by Sanitary Landfill" , International Journal of Engineering Sciences and Research Technology, pp. 811-818, Vol. 3 , Issue 6, June 2014.
  8. Sri D.N.V.Satyanarayana and Sri K. Ramesh Chandra, Assistant Professors, "Production of Ethanol from Sweet Potatoes", International Journal of Engineering Sciences and Research Technology, pp. 428-434 , Vol. 3, Issue 5, May 2014.
  9. A Paper entitled "Dying of cotton cloth with natural dye extracted from pomegranate peel and its fastness" has been published in International Journal of Engineering Sciences and Research Technology, 2(10) October 2013.
    Articles Published in Books/Seminar Proceedings:
  1. 1. Smt.V.Meena, K. Ramesh Chandra, "Biological Aspects of Industrial Waste Water Treatment Using Up-Flow Anaerobic Contact Filter", Proceedings of the National Seminar Mineral Bio-Technology MB-2007, ISBN 987-81-7525-814-3, Published by RRL, Bhubaneswar.
    Papers Presented in Conferences/Seminars/Symposiums:
  1. "Fluoride Removal by Nano Magnesium Oxide" National Conference on Recent Advances in Chemical Engineering (RIPPLES -2K20) Department of Chemical Engineering, Andhra University College of Engineering(A), Andhra University Visakhapatnam, Jan. 21-22 , 2020.
  2. 'Mass transfer enhancement due to the presence of rotating two stage four blade flat tourbine promoters in an electrolytic cell', in the International Conference on Advances and Challenges for Sustainable Ecosystem (ICACSE-2018), organized by the Department of Chemical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, during 06-08 Dec., 2018.
  3. 'Modeling and optimization of methyl orange adsorption onto MgONP-AC: Response surface methodology and artificial neural network', in the International Conference on Advances and Challenges for Sustainable Ecosystem (ICACSE-2018), organized by the Department of Chemical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, during 06-08 Dec., 2018.
  4. "Mass Transfer Augmentation Due to the Presence of Rotating Two Stage Two Blade Flat Turbine Promoters in an Electrolytic Cell" in an International Conference on Advanced Materials (SCICON'16) ISBN 978-93- 86176-47- 9' supported by Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Department of Science & Technology, Nano Mission, SERB India and ETS, organized by the Department of Sciences, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, during 19 -21 December, 2016.
  5. "Comparative Studies of Microwave Oven and Tray Drying on Apple Pomace" in the Two day National Seminar on "Climate Efficient Process Industries (CEPI-16)" sponsored by DST, New Delhi organized by the Department of Chemical Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam during 4 - 5 March, 2016.
  6. "Biogas Production" in DST Sponsored National Conference on "Recent Challenges in Chemical & Biological Sciences" Organized by Vignan's University, Guntur, A.P during 28-29 July, 2014.
  7. "Biodiesel Production a Potential Renewable Resource for future Generation" in the International Conference on Energy and Environmental Engineering, organized by Department of Petrochemical Technology, Bharathidasan Institute of Technology, Anna University, Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu, during 06th - 07th November, 2014.
  8. "Municipal Solid Waste Management By a Systematic Land Filling Approach" in Second National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology NCONET 14 organized by Jansons Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu on 22nd March 2014.
  9. "Nanotechnology and Its Applications"in a National Conference on Nanotechnology in Chemical and Allied Industries(NTCAI - 2014) sponsored by AICTE, Organized by Department of Chemical Engineering, BapatlaEnginreering College(A), Bapatla during 7-8 March, 2014.
  10. "Plant mediated Green Synthesis of Metallic Nano Particles and their Biomedical Applications" in a National Conference on Nanotechnology in Chemical and Allied Industries (NTCAI - 2014) sponsored by AICTE, Organized by Department of Chemical Engineering, BapatlaEnginreering College(A), Bapatla.
  11. "Production of Carbon Nanotubes" in AICTE sponsored National Seminar on "Recent trends in Surface Science and Nanotechnology" - RTSSN 2013 organized by the Department of Science and Humanities, PottisriramuluChalavadiMallikarjuna Rao College of Engineering & Technology - Vijayawada during 29-30 November, 2013.
  12. "Electro-chemical studies on Lead alloys in lead acid batteries" two day National Seminar on "Solar Energy Harvesting Through Photovoltaic cells and Storage (SEHTPVAS-13)" sponsored by UGC, Organized by Department of Chemical Engineering and Physics, during 21-22 June , 2013 and awarded as best paper.
  13. "Review on Transesterification : Commonly Adopted Way for Producing Bio diesel. in International Conference on Recent Advances in Chemical Engineering & Technology organized by IIChE, Kochi Regional Centre during 10-12, March, 2011.
  14. "An Insight into Catalytic Activity in Fisher Tropsch Synthesis for the Production of GTL (Gas to Liquid) Fuels" in International Conference on Recent Advances in Chemical Engineering & Technology organized by IIChE, Kochi Regional Centre during 10-12, March, 2011.
  15. "Biological Aspects of Industrial Waste Water Treatment Using Up-Flow Anaerobic Contact Filter" in national seminar on "Mineral Biotechnology"organized by Regional Research Laboratory, Bhubaneswar during 30-31 January 2007.
  16. "Sea water Desalination Using Renewable Energy Sources" in CHEMCON-2006 organized by IIChE, Ankaleshwar regional centre, Ankaleshwar during 27-30 December 2006.
  17. "Design of the Tubular loop Bioreactor for Scale up and Scale down of Fermentation Processes" in national seminar on Stem Cells and Clinical Applications organized by Centre For Biotechnology, ANU, Guntur during 15-16 December 2006.
  18. "Studies of Critical Design Parameters of Itaconic acid using AspergillusTerreus" in national seminar on Stem Cells and Clinical Applications organized by Centre For Biotechnology, ANU, Guntur during 15-16 December 2006.
  19. "Minimum Fluidization Velocity" in All India Seminar on Advances in Fluidization Engineering organized by Department of Chemical Engineering, S.V.University, Tirupati& Institution of Engineers, Tirupati local centre during 26-27 February 2004.
    Refresher courses attended:
  1. 3 day FDP "Outcome Based Education System - A Road map to Teaching, Learning, Evaluation and Accreditation" Department of Mechanical Engineering, Lendi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jonnada, Vizianagaram, May 21-23, 2020.
  2. "Advanced Material Characterization Techniques – A Research Perspective", Department of Mechanical Engineering, Lendi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jonnada , Vizianagaram, May 28-30, 2020.
  3. AICTE sponsored one week STTP on 'Advances in Process Design by using Simulators (APDS)', organized by the Department of Chemical Engineering, RVRJCCE Guntur, during 28 Oct.- 02 Nov.2019.
  4. Short Term Training Programme through ICT Mode, on Outcome Based Education and Accreditation, organized by NITTR, Kolkata, during 24-28, Sept 2018.
  5. A Two day National Seminar on March to Make in India through Engineering Advancements (MMIEA) organized by R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering (A), Guntur during 29-30 September, 2016.
  6. AICTE Sponsored Short Term Course on "Process Control" organized by IITM, Chennai during 15-19 December, 2014.
  7. AICTE Sponsored Faculty Development Programme on "Modeling and Simulation for Rapid Progress in Chemical Engineering" organized by R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Guntur during 15-16, July, 2011.
  8. A two day national workshop on "Waste Management in Chemical and Allied Industries" organized by Bapatla Engineering College, Bapatla during 18-19 March 2010.
  9. Two day national workshop on " Nanotechnology - Its applications" a Faculty Development Programme for Chemical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering organized by GMRIT, Rajam during 22-23 February 2008.
  10. Three day workshop on "Aspen plus and Modeling" a National Level Faculty Development Programme for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology organized by R.V.R. & J.C.College of Engineering, Guntur during 5-7, November, 2007.
  11. Short term curse on "Bioinformatics and Genome Analysis" under the Quality Improvement Programme of AICTE, organized by IISc, Bangalore during 14-18 February 2005.
    Participated in Conferences:
  1. One-day webinar, "Role of Technocrats in Safeguarding Biodiversity" Department of Chemical Engineering of ANITS, Visakhapatnam, June 5th , 2020.
  2. International Conference on Advances and Challenges for Sustainable Ecosystem (ICACSE"2018), organized by the Department of Chemical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, during 06"08 Dec, 2018.
  3. Attended the faculty development program on "Foundation Program in ICT for Education" organized by IITBombayX " FDP101x, during 03rd August, 2017 to 13th September, 2017.
  4. Participated in faculty development program on "Pedagogy for Online and Blended Teaching"Learning Process", organized by IITBombayX " FDP201x, during 13"20 November, 2017.
  5. Attended an International Conference on Advanced Materials (SCICON'16), organized by the Department of Sciences, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, in association with Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology and Department of Science and Technology, Science & Engineering Research Board (SERB), Govt. of India, during 19 "21 December, 2016.
  6. Attended a National Seminar on 'March to Make in India through Engineering Advancements (MMIEA)' organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, RVR&JC College of Engineering, during 29 "30 September, 2016.
  7. International Conference on Advanced Materials (SCICON'16) ISBN 978"93"86176"47" 9' supported by Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Department of Science & Technology, Nano Mission, SERB India and ETS, organized by the Department of Sciences, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, during 19 "21 December, 2016.
  8. Two day National Seminar on "Climate Efficient Process Industries (CEPI"16)" sponsored by DST, New Delhi organized by the Department of Chemical Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam during 4 " 5 March, 2016.
  9. I st South India Student Convention of Chemical Engineering on the Assessment of the State of the Art in Chemical Engineering Science" held at Satish Dhawan Space Centre on 22"02" 2016 jointly organized by IIChE members of Satish Dhawan Space Centre SHAR, ISRO and Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Ananthapuramu.
  10. National Seminar on "Biodiversity and Conservation of Mangrove Ecosystem in India"Present Status and Future Perspective sponsored by UGC"SAP" DRS Programme organized by ANU, Guntur during 21"22 July, 2014.
  11. A National conference on "Nanotechnology in Chemical and Allied Industries (NTCAI " 2014) sponsored by AICTE, organized by Department of Chemical Engineering, Bapatla Engineering College(A), Bapatla during 7"8 March, 2014.
  12. AICTE sponsored National Seminar on "Recent Trends in Surface Science and Nanotechnology" " RTSSN " 2013 Organized by the Department of Science and Humanities, Pottisriramulu Chalavadi Mallikarjuna Rao College of Engineering & Technology " Vijayawada during 29"30 November, 2013.
  13. Two day National Seminar on "Solar Energy Harvesting Through Photovoltaic cells and Storage (SEHTPVAS"13)" sponsored by UGC, Organized by Departments of Chemical Engineering and Physics, during 21"22 June , 2013.
  14. National seminar on "Mineral Biotechnology"organized by Regional Research Laboratory, Bhubaneswar during 30"31 January 2007.
  15. Indian Chemical Engineering Congress "CHEMCON"2006, organized by Regional Centre IIChE, Ankleshwar at GNFC Sports Complex, Bharuch, Gujarat during 27"30 December, 2006.
  16. National seminar on Stem Cells and Clinical Applications organized by Centre For Biotechnology, ANU, Guntur during 15"16 December 2006.
  17. All India Seminar on Advances in Fluidization Engineering organized by Department of Chemical Engineering, S.V.University, Tirupati & Institution of Engineers, Tirupati local centre during 26"27 February 2004.
Programs Organized:
  1. One"Day Seminar, SRUJANA 2K20 on "Green Energy for Sustainable Development" on 13th March, 2020.
  2. A one week AICTE Sponsored Short Term Training Programme on " Advances ion Process Design by using Simulators", during 28th October – 2nd November, 2019.
  3. One " day National level Chemical Engineering Students meet, ChECK"2019 (Chemical Engineering Contest for Knockout"2019), on 5th January, 2019, Department of Chemical Engineering, R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering(A), Guntur.
  4. One " day National level Chemical Engineering Students meet, ChECK"2018 (Chemical Engineering Contest for Knockout"2018), on 5th January, 2018, Department of Chemical Engineering, R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering(A), Guntur.
  5. Two " day National level Chemical Engineering Students meet, ChECK"2020 (Chemical Engineering Contest for Knockout"2020), during 26th and 27th February, 2020, Department of Chemical Engineering, R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering(A), Guntur.
  6. Two Weeks AICTE Sponsored Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on "Innovations in Renewable Energy Harvesting and Environment Friendly Process Technologies for Sustainable Development" during 23rd November, 2017 " 04th December, 2017.
  7. One day national level student meet "Chemical Engineering Contest for Knockout (ChECK"2018)" was organized by the IIChE RVRJCCE Student Chapter of Chemical Engineering Department in association with IIChE"Guntur Regional Centre, on 5th January, 2018.
  8. The department organized AICTE sponsored Two week FDP programme on "Innovations in Renewable Energy Harvesting and Environment Friendly Process Technologies for Sustainable Development" from 23"10"2017 to 04"11"2017.
  9. A two day national level student meet "Chemical Engineering Contest for Knockout (ChECK"2017)" was organized by the IIChE RVRJCCE Student Chapter of Chemical Engineering Department in association with IIChE"Guntur Regional Centre, during 17th " 18th February, 2017.
  10. One"day seminar on 'Growth and Career Opportunities in Chemical Engineering for Sustainable Development' on 19th November, 2016 at JKC College, Guntur.
  11. A two day National level Chemical Engineering Students meet, ChECK"2017 (Chemical Engineering Contest for Knockout"2017), during 17th " 18th February, 2017, Department of Chemical Engineering, R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering(A), Guntur.
  12. One day National level Chemical Engineering Students meet, ChECK"2016 (Chemical Engineering Contest for Knockout"2016), on 11th February, 2016, Department of Chemical Engineering, R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering(A), Guntur.
  13. One day National Workshop on Advances in Chemical Engineering for Sustainable Development (ACESD) on 07 February, 2015.
  14. A two day National level Chemical Engineering Students meet, ChECK"2014 (Chemical Engineering Contest for Knockout"2014), 29"30 November, 2011, Department of Chemical Engineering, R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Guntur.
  15. One day national seminar on "Renewable Energy Resources & Technological Advances", 25 February, 2014, R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Guntur.
  16. Two Day National Workshop on "Nanotechnology " A Fuel for Chemical Industry (NTFC"2013)" sponsored by AICTE, New Delhi organized by Department of Chemical Engineering during 20"21 September, 2013.
  17. Two day National Seminar on "Solar Energy Harvesting Through Photovoltaic cells and Storage (SEHTPVAS"13)" sponsored by UGC, organized by Department of Chemical Engineering and Physics, during June 21"22, 2013.
  18. A two day workshop on "Green Technology for Clean Environment", organized by the Department of Chemical Engineering in association with APPCB, during 20"21 December, 2012.
  19. A two day National level Chemical Engineering Students meet, ChECK"2011 (Chemical Engineering Contest for Knockout"2011), 29"30 November, 2011, Department of Chemical Engineering, R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Guntur.
  20. The 6th annual session of Student Chemical Engineering Congress " SCHEMCON 2010" on the theme "Process Industries and Sustainable Development" was organized by IIChE"RVR&JCCE Student chapter in association with IIChEWaltair Regional Centre, Department of Chemical Engineering, R.V.R & J.C. College of Engineering, Guntur during 24th"25th September 2010.
  21. A two day workshop on "Waste Management in Chemical and Allied Industries", organized by the Department of Chemical Engineering in association with APPCB, during 13 " 14 March, 2010.
  22. A two day National level Chemical Engineering Students meet, ChECK"2009 (Chemical Engineering Contest for Knockout"2009), 20"21 February, 2009, Department of Chemical Engineering, R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Guntur.
  23. Three day workshop on "Aspen Plus and Modeling" a National level Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology faculty development programme during 05"07 November, 2007, Department of Chemical Engineering, R.V.R.& J.C. College of Engineering, Guntur.
  24. A two day National level Chemical Engineering Students meet, ChECK"2007(Chemical Engineering Contest for Knockout"2007), 23"24 February, 2007, Department of Chemical Engineering, R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Guntur.
  25. Two day National Seminar on "Solid waste management in Chemical and allied Industries" 18"19 August, 2006, Department of Chemical Engineering, R.V.R.& J.C. College of Engineering, Guntur.
  26. One day National Seminar on "Separation Techniques"The Essential Tools for Chemical Engineer" 30th July, 2004, Department of Chemical Engineering, R.V.R.& J.C. College of Engineering, Guntur.