Dr.G. Kavitha
M.Tech., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor Department of Chemical Engineering RVR & JC College of Engineering(Autonomous) Chowdavaram,Guntur-522 019 Andhra Pradesh, India Phone: +91-9491073317 Ext.251 (O) +91-9160429369 e-mail: sri.kavitha09@gmail.com |
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Educational Qualifications:
- Ph.D in Chemical Engineering from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
- M.Tech in Chemical Engineering from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
- B.Tech in Chemical Engineering from RVR & JC College of Engineering (affiliated to Acharya Nagajuna University).
Date of Joining:01-07-2020
Teaching Experience:
- Presently working as Assistant Professor at Department of Chemical Engineering RVR & JC College of Engineering(A), Guntur, from July 2020.
- Worked as Assistant Professor at Department of School of Renewable Energy and Environmental Engineering (SREE), JNTUK, Kakinada from April – 2016 to November – 2017.
Scopus Citations: Click here
Publons Citations (Web of Science): Click here
Google Scholar Citations: Click here
Research Gate Citations: Click here
Vidwan: Click here
Patents:- Patent "SMART-DRE-M: BIOPOLYMER COMPOSITE BASED NANO-FIBROUS WOUND DRESSING MATERIA", patent No. 50/2020, published on 11/12/2020 in official journal of patents office, Intellectual Property Rights, India.
- G.Kavitha 'Mass transfer augmentation due to the presence of rotating two stage two blade flat turbine promoters in an electrolytic cell', International Journal of Materials Today: Proceedings (Elsevier), pp. 16181-16189, Vol.5, 2018.
- G.Kavitha, B. Anil Kumar and N. Chitti Babu., "Biosorption of Zinc on to Gracilaria Corticata (Red Algae) Powder and Optimization using Central Composite Design", Journal of Applied Science and Engineering Methodologies, 2(3), pp. 412-425, 2016.
- G. Kavitha and N. Chitti Babu., "Biosorption of lead from aqueous solution using Morinda Tinctoria and its statistical analysis by Response Surface Methodology", Journal of Chemical Engineering and Its Applications, Vol. 1, Issue. 2, pp. 14 - 57, 2016.
- G. Kavitha, V. Sridevi and N. Chitti Babu., "Biosorption of lead from aqueous solution by gracilaria corticata (Red Algae) and its statistical analysis using Response Surface Methodology", International Journal of Industrial Chemistry and Biotechnology, Vol. 2, Issue. 4, pp. 11 - 34, 2016.
- G. Kavitha, V. Sridevi, P. Venkateswarlu and N. Chitti Babu., "Biosorption of chromium from aqueous solution by Gracilaria Corticata (Red Algae) and its statistical analysis using Response Surface Methodology", Open Access Library Journal, Vol. 3, Issue. 9, pp. 1-32, 2016.
- V. Sravana Sameera, G. Kavitha and N. Chitti Babu., "Studies on ionic mass transfer in an electrolytic cell in the presence of semicircular teethed promoters", International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology. Vol. 5, Issue. 6, pp. 257-271, 2016.
- B. Anil Kumar, G. Kavitha, V. Nageswara Rao, GVS Sarma and N. Chitti Babu., "Statistical Optimization of biosorption of zinc by Gracilaria corticata using Response surface methodology", Andhra University Journal of Engineering, Vol. 2, Issue. 1, pp. 28-36, 2016.
- G. Kavitha, N. Aswini and V. Sridevi., "Analysis of Carbon monoxide Pollutants By Using Sensors: And Remedial Measures", Journal on Future Engineering & Technology, Vol. 9, Issue. 3, pp. 1-6, 2014.
- G.Kavitha, P.King, G.Sheshamma, P.Kalpana and D.A.Naidu., "Acute toxicity of thiocyanate using Danio rerio and microbial degradation of thiocyanate", International Journal of Engineering Research and Science & Technology, Vol. 2, Issue. 1, pp. 47-61, 2013.
- Sk.Md. Alla Bakshi, Y.R. Satyajirao, Scientist, National Institute of Hydrology, T. Vijay, G. Kavitha, Asst.Prof(C), JntuK presented a paper on "Impact of R.O. Rejects on Soil and Aquifer" in three day National Conference on Innovative Perspectives of Chemistry in Environment, Pharmacy and Technology "CEPT-2017" & National Convention of Chemistry Teachers "ICCT-2017", 6th - 8th October 2017, organized by Department of Chemistry and R&D Division, Pragati Engineering College, Kakinada in collaboration with Association of Chemistry Teachers, Mumbai.
- Ch. Gousesandhani, Y.R. Satyajirao, Scientist, National Institute of Hydrology, T. Vijay, G. Kavitha, Asst.Prof(C), JntuK presented a paper on "Modelling of River Water Quality Using QUAL2K" in three day National Conference on Innovative Perspectives of Chemistry in Environment, Pharmacy and Technology CEPT-2017 & National Convention of Chemistry Teachers "ICCT-2017", 6th - 8th October 2017, organized by Department of Chemistry and R&D Division, Pragati Engineering College, Kakinada in collaboration with Association of Chemistry Teachers, Mumbai.
- P.S.S. Lalitha, Y.R. Satyajirao, Scientist, National Institute of Hydrology, T. Vijay, G. Kavitha, Asst.Prof(C), JntuK presented a paper on "Identification of Suitable Methods for Artificial Groundwater Reacharge into Coastal Aquafiers - A Case Study Of Kakinada Smart City" in three day National Conference on Innovative Perspectives of Chemistry in Environment, Pharmacy and Technology "CEPT-2017" & National Convention of Chemistry Teachers "ICCT-2017", 6th - 8th October 2017, organized by Department of Chemistry and R&D Division, Pragati Engineering College, Kakinada in collaboration with Association of Chemistry Teachers, Mumbai.
- K. Ramesh Chandra, Asst. Prof., Dr. M.Venkateswara Rao, Prof. & Head, G. Kavitha and Dr. N. Chitti Babu, Prof, Andhra University College of Engineering, presented a paper on "Mass Transfer Augmentation due to the Presence of Rotating Two Stage Two Blade Flat Turbine Promoters in an Electrolytic Cell" in an International Conference on Advanced Materials (SCICON'16), organized by the Department of Sciences, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, in association with Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, SERB India and ETS, during 19 -21 December, 2016. ISBN 978-93-86176-47-9.
- G. kavitha, Presented a paper on "Removal of Lead from Aqueous Solution Using Morinda Tinctoria Leaf Powder as an Adsorbent" by G. Kavitha, at an International Conference on Mineral Processing Technology 2014, Growth and Sustainability of Mineral Industry, organized by Department of Chemical Engineering, Andhra University College of Engineering, held during 12th - 14th, March 2015.
- K. Yamuna Priya and G. Kavitha presented a paper on "Studies on Ionic Mass Transfer in an Electrolytic Cell in the Presence of Triangle Teethed Promoters" at International Conference on New Frontiers in Chemical, Energy and Environmental Engineering (INCEEE-2015) organized during 20-21 March, 2015, Department of Chemical Engineering, NIT Warangal.
- B. Anil Kumar, G. Kavitha and N. Chitti Babu, presented a paper on " Experimental and Statistical Studies on Biosorption of Zinc by Gracilaria Corticata, an Algae Powder" at a National Technical Conference "CHEMFLARE2K15" organized by Department Of Chemical Engineering, ANITS, Visakhapatnam, held during 18-19 December 2015.
- G. Sarika, G. Kavitha and N. Chitti Babu, presented a paper on "Studies on Ionic Mass Transfer in An Elctrolytic Cell In The Presence Of Semi-Circular Teethed Baffles" at a National Technical Conference "CHEMFLARE2K15" organized by Department Of Chemical Engineering, ANITS, Visakhapatnam, held during 18-19 December 2015.
- G. kavitha and Y. Janaki Madhavi Latha presented a paper on "Production of Bio-diesel using Jatropa seeds" in Student's Indian Chemical Engineering Congress "SCHEMCON-2006", 15-16, September, 2006, Organized by IIChE Students Chapter, Department of Chemical Engineering, JNTU College of Engineering Ananthapur in association with IIChE regional centre, Hyderabad.